META is a tracking system.
META is a decision making software which aims are to track computer attackers and computer attacks and to help investigators finding useful elements.
Given software configuration of a compromised system, META is able to give clues about attacks used, about the most vulnerable softwares and about the best investigation techniques to use.
This work come from my PHD Thesis.
I work from 2002 to 2005 for the french defense ministry and Supélec, an french engineer school.
Here are some of our publications :
Thomas DUVAL, Bernard JOUGA and Laurent ROGER,
XMeta A Bayesian approach for computer forensics,
in ACSAC 2004 WIP Session.
Thomas DUVAL, Bernard JOUGA and Laurent ROGER,
The Mitnick Case, How Bayes could have help,
in First Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics.
20 may 2006
Creation of this page.
Screenshots of the proof of concept
This screenshot has been taken at the end of my thesis :